July Neighbourhood Collection 2015
15th September 2015
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The Beginning of July 2015 saw the first Dumfriesshire foodbank neighbourhood collection at Tesco Extra Cuckoo Bridge. Thanks to the kind food donations from Tesco Customers we collected 1350.3 kg of non-perishable food items over a 3-day period, with Tesco adding an extra 30% to all customer donations. These donations will allow us to provide 4179 nutritionally balanced meals to people within Dumfriesshire. Along with food donations we were also able to purchase hygiene products and baby supplies thanks to the additional money collected.
The food collected will benefit people living in food poverty, many of whom are parents struggling with food costs due to lack of free school meals over the long summer holiday.
Dumfriesshire foodbank would like to thank Tesco customers for their contributions and to the British Red Cross and Lighthouse Church volunteers who joined Tesco and Apex colleagues in store to collect donations
National News
Tescos customers donated over 3.6 million meals nationally during the recent neighbourhood food collection in partnership with Fareshare and the Trussell Trust. This is a 13% increase compared to last summer’s collection. AMAZING!
Supermarket collections are one of the main ways Trussell Trust foodbanks are stocked and, along with the increase of donations during the neighbourhood collections, we are also seeing a significant rise in number of donations from in-store permenant collection points.