
Foodbank Conference Scotland

2nd March 2016

This month staff at the Dumfriesshire Foodbank attended the annual Scottish Foodbank Conference. The Conference gives individuals working in foodbanks the opportunity to discuss current issues they are experiencing and to share best practice and ideas to develop foodbank services. This year’s Conference was well attended by delegates and speaker, with talks from Hanna MuCulloch (Child Poverty Action Group Scotland) and Dr David Webster who has discussed the impact of sanctions on individuals and how to reduce the need for foodbanks in Scotland. This year there was also a panel discussion about how to tackle food poverty in Scotland which included representatives from each political party along with a 1-1 discussion with Mhairi Black, the youngest MP in Britain, to discuss her involvement with Work and Pensions Committee. The event was enjoyed by all and we look forward to the UK National Conference in May.

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